Executive search is the most effective and time-efficient way to ensure that all relevant individuals in the market are considered and approached.

stelfox recruitment

We recommend and successfully undertake Executive Search as a measured search tool for our clients as it ensures that all potential candidate sources are researched, approaches are targeted accordingly, and your company is represented positively and consistently within the wider market.

Our proven headhunting techniques are conducted by senior consultants with extensive experience in search and selection, ensuring we reach the right people within the industry. A comprehensive market review combines market intelligence, competitor mapping, candidate profiling and research to identify the best talent.

GreenSearch manage all aspects of the process including interviewing, briefing and debriefing candidates to maximise positive brand perception for our clients.

    A typical search plan includes the following stages:

  • Identification and approach
  • Direct position marketing
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Shortlist and presentation
  • Offer presentation and acceptance